Monday, April 5, 2010

Film Lesson Schindlers List

I believe that Schindler's List did an excellent job of portraying the Holocaust. It showed how evil the Nazis really were towards the Jewish people. I Found many scenes from this movie interesting. The main scene i found Interesting was the scene with the Jews hiding in pianos and in the Walls. but then they were found and often killed. Another Scene i found Interesting was when the children were being taken to Auschwitz , and t hey were waving. They were blind to the fact that they were about to die. I believe that the Hollywood depiction of the holocaust was a better representation of the holocaust because in the movie we actually get to see the Jews and the Nazi and how they were treated. In the Night And Fog Film all they showed was the concentration camps after the Jews had left. Also it only showed scene from the concentration camp. Schindler's list showed how the Jews were moved in to the Ghettos and then how they were liquidated

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