Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mustal Kemal and the Modernization of Turkey

Before World War 1 turkey was part of the Ottoman Empire. When World War 1 had erupted Turkey made the Wrong Decision of Joining Germany instead of the Allies. After the War the Ottoman Empire was broken up and Turkey had its self government. Then that when Mustal Kemal came in and decided he wanted to modernized Turkey. He was the First President and the Founding Father of Turkey. He also wanted to make Turkey strong and secular, which means non-Religous. His six principle were Republicanism, Populism, secularism, Reformism, Nationalism and Statism. 
He used all these Principles to modernized turkey. He also wanted the people of Turkey to abandon thier Religous clothing and start dressing like the Europeans and americans. Also he wanted the turks to abandon a religous hat called "Fez". He also wanted the men to wear pants and ties. He got rid of islamic Laws and brought in laws that would help turkey. Kemal then gave the Women of Turkey a Voice to and to do things a man could. And this is how he Modernized The Turks

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